Monday, May 14, 2012

By Draw Near

A wealthy farmer prayed each day for the wants of the needy. However, when anyone asked him for a little corn from his barns, he never seemed to feel he had enough to spare. One day the farmer's little son said, "Daddy, I wish I had all your corn." "Why, son? What would you do with it?" asked the father. "I would answer your prayers," the boy innocently replied.

Often, we have the power to answer our own prayers but fail to see the opportunity.

People who are the real pray-ers have learned to offer themselves in service as they pray. They are not merely willing to mouth high-sounding words for the needs of mankind. Instead, they place themselves in the position to help. This does not take the edge off divine intervention. Rather, it gives God channels to work through for His blessings to mankind. Let us make ourselves available for God's use today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen, that's so true... God use me today